Royal Liverpool Pharmaceuticals is a proud part of Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For many years we have been manufacturing products in our Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved premises, for various therapeutic areas, and supplying to NHS Trusts and customers all over the UK.
Profits remain within the Trust to enhance the local healthcare economy.
We are the first NHS trust with its own home parenteral nutrition (HPN) homecare service within the NHS framework, since March 2017.
We are actively involved in preparing investigative medicinal products for use in clinical trials and are involved in supporting trials across a range of specialties within the Trust.
With over 25 years of delivering quality pharmaceutical products we are well placed to meet your needs.
A staff cohort of over 40 professionals who undergo ongoing training and professional development.
A close working relationship with many leading NHS and private healthcare organisations gives Royal Liverpool Pharmaceuticals real insight into the healthcare needs of the country meaning we can deliver quality medicines to every corner of the U.K.
We work closely with Quality Control North West (QCNW) Liverpool, and benefit from their services in sterility and chemical testing of our products to ensure safety and quality to the end user. More information on QCNW can be found at their website: